What is the frequency of Christ Consciousness? And why is it important?
In short, the "Christed Consciousness" is a code, a frequency that vibrates with a core resonance of freedom, sovereignty, and truth. All humans can embody it. Truth signifying the embodiment of your unique soul signature, the codes you carry, and emit daily from the heart via your highest expression of joy and love without judgement and fear. Freedom emanating as the expression of your soul's truth and purpose without hindrance from any energies that seek to stifle your free will and sovereignty of your soul's pure heart space embodiment. Sovereignty reigns most paramount as the untethered sanctity of your soul within your incarnate vessel in full union with your higher self and God, devoid of anything that fuels separation consciousness, and without limitations of man and negative interference. Glory to God, Glory to thee, I am sovereign, I am free, So it is and so it be. I AM THAT I AM.
Phil is a healer who awakened on his spiritual path through his own trauma that catapulted his soul on his Earth mission. He is here to serve the collective and Mother Earth with his guardianship, leadership, and healing abilities. Phil works with an abundance of benevolent energies that serve to activate the remembrance of the multidimensional self in others - and your sovereign christed self aligning to your highest truth and power of God within. Additionally, Phil has the ability to activate the crystalline DNA of humans with his own DNA codes to further enhance an individual's healing journey and intuitive gifts as each individual progresses on their own journey of remembrance. Phil brings forth the purity of the golden light of the christ consciousness once again in this life to activate and heal for the highest good of all. A plethora of healing modalities are utilized in his work that include:
DNA Light Code activations/Light Language
Channeled Sacred Geometry Healings
Angel Healing
Channeled Messages/Mediumship/Psychic Gnoings
Crystal Healings
Kundalini yoga/mantra/mudra/breath/humming
Qi Gong

Light being above crown chakra; Glacier Park, MT. Taken with normal phone.
In 2016, Phil sustained a life threatening neck "experience" that sent him on his healing path. After multiple C1 vertebrae adjustments with a specific chiropractic machine his jaw started moving side to side during treatments looking for it's home. Three weeks later he woke up in NYC, looked in a mirror, and his entire head, neck, jaw, and clavicles shifted to the right side of his body a few inches. This triggered many sensory, visceral, and nervous system issues as his musculoskeletal structure was completely asymmetrical. Upon seeking healing for a year he found natural healing modalities and holistic bodyworkers to piece him back together. Breathwork healed his PTSD within 2 months, he discovered how sensitive he was to crystals and other energies, and he began to awaken. In 2019, he experienced personal transcendental experiences that activated his own crystalline DNA in which he then began anchoring high frequency light codes into the higher dimensional crystalline grids upon the Earth. His discernment for the 4th dimension and other realms increased rapidly, and while healing himself he began assisting others, transmuting trauma instantly and opening their third eyes to new experiences. Phil proceeded over the years to heal, let go, and process a lot of his own past life and current life trauma, reclaiming his own power. One significant timeline that reigns forth in correlation to Christ Consciousness healing is healing the Essene timeline with Christ & Mary, and claiming back one's power from the church. This is the final mission in anchoring those Christ codes once again into the hearts and minds of all. Phil played a role as a lead disciple in that timeline and works directly with those energies to heal and activate for the highest good. He carries the Moses code of the "I AM" which facilitates the reclamation of power within every individual. It is a blessing and an honor to be of service. GLORY TO GOD, GLORY TO THREE. I AM SOVEREIGN, I AM FREE. SO IT IS, SO IT BE. BLESSINGS AND NAMASTE. I AM THAT I AM.

Light being to my right; Glacier Park, MT. Taken with normal phone.

1 hr
88 US dollars30 min
From 55 US dollars30 min
55 US dollars30 min
44 US dollars1 hr
88 US dollars1 hr
555 US dollars
A representation of the Sacred Geometry of the Platonic Solids encoded into your chakras.
**Right now, please email me or fill out contact page to schedule. Please add any questions or concerns beforehand that you might have. All sessions, except Kundalini, are done at a distance and/or via the phone as this allows you to receive in your own sacred space and comfort.
The intention of the Christ Consciousness frequency is a reclamation of energetic power and soul sovereignty. "Christ" means one who is sovereign, free, and speaks their truth. Henceforth, (Yeshua)Jesus the "Christ," is something we all can attain. Claiming one's energetic power as a human is about recognizing the miracle you are incarnated here and now on this earth plane with full allowance to express yourself in your soul's highest expression of sovereignty, love, self worth, purpose, joy, and gratitude. Embodying that often comes from healing realizations overcoming obstacles that purposely challenged the self to fully embrace and accept oneself through all of life's experiences and emotions. Honoring and recognizing how far you have come and establishing boundaries amongst the earth plane experiences and multi dimensional planes falls hand in hand, as there is no separation with boundaries above, so below. The true healing alchemy occurs when the frequencies of forgiveness and compassion for self are deeply embodied and by default your soul surrenders to the infinite wisdom of the LOVE of God within. Devoid of all ego machinations that attempt to block that and say otherwise. Fully trusting self, fully loving self, and GNOING your power all lies within, and that no god or energy outside self can ever take the pure sovereignty of your soul away from you without your permission. Self love is not selfish. More boundaries, more self trust. More self trust, more self worth. More self worth, more divine alignment. More divine alignment, more truth. More truth, more higher self embodiment. More higher self embodied, more sovereign christ self embodied. Christ light untouched.
It is my intention in this co creative journey to facilitate that awakening of the Christed God self within, aligning you to your highest truth, timeline, and power. Claiming your power enables you to fully step forward in this current life with a vigor, self confidence, honor, and a tenacity of love for your christed self, so sovereign that you walk away with a clear GNOING of your untouchable power of divinity within, and an infinite passion of that unconditional love for yourself GNOING you deserve a life of peace, purpose, joy, and love in all aspects of life. GLORY TO GOD, GLORY TO THEE. I AM SOVEREIGN, I AM FREE. SO IT IS, SO IT BE.